Hands-on Robotics & AI
Software skills for Robotics and AI in Industries
- Needs
- Linux system (Windows wont work, Mac might work)
- Github account
- Installing the pre-requisite softwares
- Docker
- ROS2 // NOT REQUIRED but still can learn it!!
- git, git-gui, gitk
- Intro to git
- Create a utilities repository for documentation,
- Creating a page in Markdown
- git clone …/hands-on-robotics
- git config user.email & user.name
- Writing your first Dockerfile
- deploy-image
- devel-image
- Local building docker image
- Intro to github container registry and packages, personal Access tokens, container registry login
- Case 1: Collaborators in github (same organization)
- Case 2: Non-collaborator or forking to make a contribution
- Pull requests, code reviews, making comments, assign reviewer
- Github actions and workflow file for continuous integration (CI)
- Basic ROS2 command line tools
- ros2 topic list
- ros2 topic echo
- rqt
- Creating first ROS2 package
- Writing your bringup.launch.py
- Modeling sensors in Gazebo
- Ouster lidar
- Camera (realsense)
- Imu
- Updating bringup.launch.py for the whole system
- Gazebo-ROS bridge