Part4: Supervised Learning: Weighted regression
What happens if the data is non-linear?
If the data points are non-linear in nature, performing a linear regression does not make sense. When we require the output(Y) at a particular input point (\(X^*\)), a linear regression in the neighbourhood of \(X^*\) would be more accurate than performing a regression all through the data points. For this, a weighting function, v
is defined as
\begin{align} v_i(X^*) = \exp{\frac{(X^* - X)^2}{2h}} \end{align} where \(h\) decides the width of the gaussian and is chosen manually from test data. The new loss function would become \begin{align} L(X^*) &= \sum_i (X_iw - Y_i)^2 ~v_i(X^*) + \lambda w^Tw \nonumber \newline L(X^*) &= \sum_i (\hat{X}\hat{w} - Y)^T V (\hat{X}\hat{w} - Y) + \lambda w^Tw \label{eqn:lossfunLWLR} \end{align} And the solution would be
\begin{align} w(X^*) = (X^TV + \lambda I)^{-1} X^T VY \end{align}
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